Wednesday, February 9, 2011



     Contrary to popular belief craigslist is a wholesome family oriented website... I can't even post announcements about our site Heavy Metal without someone flagging it into oblivion.   Since they have removed all traces of vice from their pages (see the daily news article here)

"The classified advertising website closed the adult services section, just two weeks after 18 state attorney generals said there weren't enough safeguards barring potentially illegal ads promoting prostitution.   The section has been replaced by a black highlighted strip that says "censored."

I personally have no problem with the "adult" class of ads but i digress...

    So post ads on craigslist, it is all Upside and no, Downside.  All it takes is the invesment of a few minutes before you check your email.  I know it is cliche that all you see at shows is the other musicians in town; great i say!   It works the same way on a bigger scale.  Do you think that when Dragon Force is playing your city that every guitar player within a one hundred mile radius doesn't show up? 

     Put up an ad announcing your search for another guitar player. Whether you are looking or not this will draw traffic to your website.    More importantly it will make you ever increasingly known within your local music community.   You might even meet some whores...  Cheers!

Rate, Comment, and berate me here on the Midnight Reign I-Tunes Page.

Craigslist did not return calls seeking comment."

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